Artist to Healer

From artist to healer Lauren Baylor blends healing the body with the creative soul.

Lauren studied BA Fine Art in her hometown of Cork, Ireland. The sensitivity and sensibility of tone, texture and light have always fascinated her. She explored paint, printmaking and mixed media to create installations as a means of visual storytelling. She often questioned the motivation and elusive charm of creativity and spent much of her time in libraries, galleries, in sketchbooks and those liminal spaces in search of new ways to look at the world.

It wasn’t until she had an unfortunate injury working in a bronze casting foundry in Sydney, Australia, that she was forced to look more intently.

At 32 Lauren was severely restricted by a bulging disk in her lower back with sciatic nerve damage. She choose to lift her pen and allowed a new form of creativity, of trust to come in. Her job now was to translate this heightened state into a sense of calm survival. Symbolism surrounded her and through deep inner examination, sleepless nights, simplifying moments with breath, pen & paint she formed a means to heal the wounds around pain and the complexity of loss.

Physiotherapy assisted relieving the pain and speeding the recovery. It was through deep engagement with an Internal Family Systems (IFS) counsellor that new doorways began to open and shine light on the many tones and textures of her inner landscape. Passion and purpose had begun to merge.

Lauren is now fully healed from her injury without having to go through surgery. With constant vigilance to areas of vulnerability strength is built and Lauren accepts she is a work in progress and continues to heal with an ever-expanding toolbox.

She is certified in Intuitive Massage, a course that assisted in changing her focus towards holistic healing; physical, emotional and spiritual. Lauren is currently studying Diploma in Remedial Massage.

Reiki attunement further developed her process using universal life force energy to assist others . Her palette was changing from paint in the studio to having colours come through her clients chakras in their bodies. Lauren has been developing her practice by cautiously bearing witness to others’ subtle energies.

It has been 20 years since the tragic loss of her father and 10 years since moving to the other side of the world. It has been a wild healing journey that has inspired Lauren to assist others on their path.

Lauren promotes creativity, artistic play and openness as a means of transmuting pain, discomfort and confusion and welcomes others to dare bravely along their own (heArt) journeys. With hands, breath & heart we can create magic!

By writing the Back Story about her spinal flaw Lauren found a turning point…’The tears were not from physical limits but the awareness that there is no way out but through. She had to take a different approach, to learn her body anew…she had to face her most creative battle and turn her weakness (risk of paralysis in right leg) into power…she began to listen and a new pathway unfurled…’

Do not waste your suffering’ -Elizabeth Alexander